Wednesday, October 19, 2005


The phone rang in my office a few minutes ago. It said "ouside call" w/ no number on the caller ID. When I answered it, I heard a recording--it wasn't a credit card offer or anything like that. It was a guy who sounded much like George W Bush (although it wasn't him) talking about how he'd had substance abuse problems when he was young, and that he'd gotten into a fight in a bar where a guy cut him with a broken bottle. He said he was close to death... I knew where this was going. The guy in the ambulance told him he needed Jesus, yadda, yadda yadda...

I am definitely living in a red state now.

I wonder how they got my number. Was it random? Did someone from work hear that I was a Muslim and slip my number to some missionary organization? Or was it the new hairdresser I went to last evening, who wanted all my personal information?

Oh, well. Maybe it's a sign. That I need to become more invested in Ramadan before it ends... Then stuff like this won't freak me out very much. I'm not that freaked out by it, actually. Just a tiny, tiny bit uncomfortable.


Blogger Hijabi Apprentice said...

while i'm reading this i was thinking: like you have nothing better to do at work! i think solicitations of any kind in the workplace are just wrong but especially those trying to sway you religiously.

i have to admit i giggled at the thought of one of your coworks slipping your number to a missionary group. hehe

8:53 PM  

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