Beauty's Only Skin Deep.
A while ago, my bestest friend HijabiApprentice introduced me to this GREAT beauty blog, which shall remain unnamed for the time being... Anyhow, over time I began to realize that whenever this blog would mention a friend of theirs for some beauty-related reason--and link to said friend's blog--I would read that friend's blog and I would each time find... that this friend is a neocon who HATES Muslims.
That makes me sad. Oh, well.
That makes me sad. Oh, well.
Asalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,
Hey Purv! I didn't even realize that person (I think I know who you are talking about) hated Muslims! That really saddens me. How can see just lump all Muslims together like that? Not only that but to feel so free to mouth off about with wild abandon; like her hatred is something to be proud of. Arrrgggghhh!
ma'a salaamah,
forgive the typos :( but you know what i mean.
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