Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How Do We Raise Our Sons Better?

You know, this story (below) brings up a couple of issues I have about our community...
First, there is the obvious absurdity that the guy who wanted to show Muslims in a more positive light ended up not only killing, but BEHEADING a person, not unlike the terrorists who took Daniel Pearl and others hostage in Pakistan.
What especially horrifies me about this, though, is that it demonstrates the problem we have in our community with domestic violence. More than domestic violence.... an entire culture of machismo, to put it lightly.  I have seen so many instances in our community of men turning into complete sociopaths when their wives decide they can't stand being treated like dirt anymore, and then leave.  I think too many Muslim families raise their boys like kings and the girls like slaves.  The boys grow up thinking they can do no wrong, they can get away with anything, and they have an overblown sense of entitlement that doesn't allow room for the basic considerations of another human being in their lives.  I can only imagine what was going through this guy's head as he murdered and then beheaded his wife.  Was it worth it?  Going to jail for the rest of his life (which very likely would not happen if the murder didn't occur in this country)?  Was there no other choice than to "show her" that she can't just leave him?  Was it really an imperative... to assuage his fragile ego? 

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The founder of a U.S. Muslim television network has been arrested and charged with murdering his wife by beheading her, the network's Web site and local media reported.
Muzzammil Hassan, founder and CEO of Buffalo, N.Y.-based Bridges TV which launched in 2004 with a mission to show Muslims in a more positive light, was charged after reporting the death of his wife, Aasiya Hassan, 37, on Thursday night.
After Hassan, 44, told police his wife was at the Bridges TV offices, in the village of Orchard Park, they found her body there, beheaded, The Buffalo News reported.


Blogger purvis said...

yeah.. no kidding, what a psycho. And from what I understand, beheading is a VERY SLOW and PAINFUL way to die. He basically tortured her to death.

3:34 PM  

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