Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Why She's Not a Moderate Muslim

This sister makes some points here that I've never thought of before... When you call yourself a "Moderate Muslim," as I do, that implies that those who are--as we call them--"extremists" are in fact following Islam to the letter, whereas whose of us who are not extremists only following it.. moderately. This validates the claims of people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Wafa Sultan, who contend that Islam is broken and fundamentally flawed. That the only good Muslim is a non-practicing one.

In reality, while the behavior of "extremists" is indeed extreme, it does not reflect the extremity of Islam, but that of evil and madness. Extremists of any faith negate the fundamental message of that faith, twisting it beyond recognition to serve a temporal end.

I run a club where I live called "Moderate Muslims." I should really consider changing the name to something less divisive.

In the aftermath of September 11, much has been said about the need for "moderate Muslims." But to be a "moderate" Muslim also implies that Osama bin Laden and Co. must represent the pinnacle of orthodoxy; that a criterion of orthodox Islam somehow inherently entails violence; and, consequently, that if I espouse peace, I am not adhering to my full religious duties.

I refuse to live as a "moderate" Muslim if its side effect is an unintentional admission that suicide bombing is a religious obligation for the orthodox faithful. True orthodoxy is simply the attempt to adhere piously to a religion's tenets.

click here for full article


Blogger Manal said...

Very good post indeed. I was always thinking about this very subject. As a so-called "Moderate Muslim", it is believed that these Muslims are not practicing their religion in the correct manner. Which is why, kinda like you, I have been thinking hard to try to come out with a new name which would describe "the rest of us"; those who do not fall in either the extremist end nor the liberal.

I am even trying to come up with something written from the Qur'an, itself. God always mentions HE loves balance in everything. Maybe something along the lines of "Balanced Muslims"......what do you think?? I dunno.....lol This is a tough one...

(BTW....not that I actually go by nor believe astrology, but just FYI, I am a Virgo as well....lol:))

2:38 AM  
Blogger Manal said...

I LOVE your blog and the many intellectually stimulating posts you have. I read several of them. Love your mind set; maybe it's something to do with "virgos" eh?? LOL I am annoyed that I did not know about your blog till now.....lol You will see me more ofter though....:)

Sis, can I add you to my blog roll, if you do not mind???

2:48 AM  
Blogger Safiya Outlines said...

I wrote a post about this a while ago:

I prefer to call myself a practising Muslim, but even that term is not without it's difficulties.

Actually considering most of these so called fundamentalists seem completely ignorant of their religion (esp the punishment for murder), maybe we should call oursleves "Muslims who know are deen", but that's a bit of a mouthful!
P.S Would also very much like to add you to my blogroll

3:17 PM  

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