Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sketched Soul has a new Swap!!

I thoroughly enjoyed Sketched Soul's cupcake swap.. mmmm...... And now she has another, called "Accessorize my hobby." Each participant must post information about their hobbies on their blog, from which their secret swap partner can draw inspiration. I need to send her the link to my information, so here goes:
  • Four of my favourite hobbies/interests: baking, reading, trying new software, exercising
  • The best part of my hobby is: eating the baked stuff, and exercising it off
  • My favourite colour is: brown (pink is a close second)
  • A new hobby/interest I've just taken up: cleaning up after myself!
  • The hobby/interest I hope my swap partner will choose: baking
  • A hobby I've tried but hate: home repair
  • Creativity to me, means: connecting with your "inner self" and allowing yourself to shine
  • What I think of my purse not matching my shoes: eh?
I *may* change my answers before the swap actually starts, if I realized I forgot something, but this is a start. By the way, don't you LOVE her Canadian spellings of "colour" and "favourite?" It looks so fancy spelled that way!

Monday, July 23, 2007

FBI wants to be all up in your business (I mean.. more than usual..)

An FBI unit reportedly facing a criminal investigation for Patriot Act abuses is asking Congress for $5.3 million in 2008 to pay three telecoms to build data centers to store Americans' communication records for years in order to provide the FBI "near real time" access to Americans' phone and internet records.

click here for full article

check out this one guys comment:

The war on terror is nothing more than a marketing campaign to sell police-state Soviet communism to the American people. This article only adds more proof of this fact.

I wouldn't say that's all the war on terror is about, but its implementation certainly seems like this.

Monday, July 16, 2007

8 weird things about meme

Yay! I was tagged by Hijabiapprentice! I have never been tagged before! How exciting! If only you *knew* how much the narcissist in me LONGED for this!

  1. I take glucophage for PCOS (that's not the weird thing), and even though I only take one pill twice a day, I use one of those "day of the week" pill containers designed for the elderly so I won't forget.
  2. I have a phobia of public restrooms, although it only affects me mildly now that I'm in my 30's.. It has nothing to do with cleanliness, it's purely irrational. When I was little, if I were to find myself in a public restroom alone (like if I was in the stall and everyone else finished and left), I'd have a total meltdown. To this day, I have nightmares about being stuck in a maze-like bathroom, unable to escape.
  3. I like to support institutions, but not actually participate in them. I was president of an Arabic club, but I do not speak Arabic, nor did I do the homework I assigned everyone. I am a VP of my local Toastmasters club, and I have yet to give a speech.
  4. I'm a terrible, terrible listener. But a lot of people think I'm a *great* listener, because I'm really good at hiding it.
  5. I will talk to someone every day for months without knowing their name, because I missed it when we were introduced (see #4), and I am too embarrassed to ask at that point.
  6. I *hate* parmesan cheese. I want to like it, because it's in so many gourmet dishes, but I just can't make myself. It smells like vomit to me.
  7. I also hate wet or soggy bread, and milk on cereal. If my sandwich bread is soggy, I will throw it away. I also eat my cereal dry (even grape nuts).
  8. I sleep with my eyes open. Mr. Purvis and Hijabiapprentice have both witnessed this, and concur that it is indeed freakish-looking.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Or here's an idea... Just don't see it!

Malaysian Muslims have called for a ban on the blockbuster movie "Evan Almighty," saying it is offensive to their religion, state media reported Friday.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Muslims Acting Stupid (and the journalists who eat it up)

You know....I'm about as unexcited by jury duty as the next person. But I wish, whenever someone takes the major step of wearing hijab, that they would consider the fact that they are representing all Muslims everywhere amongst those who misunderstand us. They are, after all, recognizably Muslim now.

A female Muslim juror has been arrested in Britain after allegedly listening to an MP3 player under her hijab headscarf during a murder trial, police said Monday.

You see, whenever a Muslim woman does something stupid like this, the newspapers will inevitably put a picture of someone totally unrelated to the story, who looks as niqabbed-out as possible, like this woman:

Thanks, MP3-listening hijabi juror!