Monday, July 16, 2007

8 weird things about meme

Yay! I was tagged by Hijabiapprentice! I have never been tagged before! How exciting! If only you *knew* how much the narcissist in me LONGED for this!

  1. I take glucophage for PCOS (that's not the weird thing), and even though I only take one pill twice a day, I use one of those "day of the week" pill containers designed for the elderly so I won't forget.
  2. I have a phobia of public restrooms, although it only affects me mildly now that I'm in my 30's.. It has nothing to do with cleanliness, it's purely irrational. When I was little, if I were to find myself in a public restroom alone (like if I was in the stall and everyone else finished and left), I'd have a total meltdown. To this day, I have nightmares about being stuck in a maze-like bathroom, unable to escape.
  3. I like to support institutions, but not actually participate in them. I was president of an Arabic club, but I do not speak Arabic, nor did I do the homework I assigned everyone. I am a VP of my local Toastmasters club, and I have yet to give a speech.
  4. I'm a terrible, terrible listener. But a lot of people think I'm a *great* listener, because I'm really good at hiding it.
  5. I will talk to someone every day for months without knowing their name, because I missed it when we were introduced (see #4), and I am too embarrassed to ask at that point.
  6. I *hate* parmesan cheese. I want to like it, because it's in so many gourmet dishes, but I just can't make myself. It smells like vomit to me.
  7. I also hate wet or soggy bread, and milk on cereal. If my sandwich bread is soggy, I will throw it away. I also eat my cereal dry (even grape nuts).
  8. I sleep with my eyes open. Mr. Purvis and Hijabiapprentice have both witnessed this, and concur that it is indeed freakish-looking.


Blogger Hijabi Apprentice said...

Asalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

Dear Purv,

I think I knew most of these but not #6! And ME TOO. Like at the movies this weekend when our fries came out with parmesan cheese on them I wanted to send them back because they put parmesan cheese on with no warning but I didn't want to seem too high maintenance. I discretely tried to eat the ones on the bottom of the pile that had not been contaminated with the cheese.

ma'a salaamah,


12:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Mr. Purvis??????

2:38 PM  
Blogger Hijabi Apprentice said...

LOL :). Yeah, the Mr. Purvis is my fault hehehe.

ma'a salaamah,

killer's girlfriend

3:20 PM  
Blogger purvis said...

This is Killer, by the way.

3:26 PM  
Blogger Hijabi Apprentice said...

We were not ready to go public with our relationship! Sheesh Purv!!!

3:33 PM  
Blogger purvis said...

Oh! Sorry, "Killer's girlfriend" ;)

3:42 PM  

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