Thursday, June 14, 2007

Our extremists are better than theirs, you know.

Violent Muslim, Christian and Jewish extremists invoke the same rhetoric of "good" and "evil" and the best way to fight them is to tackle the problems that drive people to extremism, according to a report obtained by Reuters.

What a revelation!

It said extremists from each of the three faiths often have tangible grievances -- social, economic or political -- but they invoke religion to recruit followers and to justify breaking the law, including killing civilians and members of their own faith.


"What is striking ... is the similarity of the worldview and the rationale for violence," the report said.

It said that while Muslims were often perceived by the West as "the principal perpetrators of terrorist activity," there are violent extremists of other faiths. Always focusing on Muslim extremists alienates mainstream Muslims, it said.

"mainstream Muslims" ...Pshaw!!

The report said it was important to examine the root causes of violence by those of different faiths, without prejudice.

"It is, in each situation, a case of 'us' versus 'them,"' it said. "That God did not intend for civilization to take its current shape; and that the state had failed the righteous and genuine members of that nation, and therefore God's law supersedes man's law."

This is why I drive a camel to work. ....well I would, were I not a female. My chauffeur does the actual driving..

She said it was dangerous for U.S. President George W. Bush to use terms such as "crusade" or "ridding the world of evil."

"It really is falling into the same trap that these terrorists fall into, black and white thinking," Stern told Reuters on Wednesday. "It's very exciting to extremists to hear an American president talking that way."

Yeah, baby!

click here for full article


Blogger Rosashe said...


I really hate it whenever they use words like 'religious extremism', 'moderate muslim' etc etc. To people with a bit of thinking power, it will mean as intended (hopefully), but a vast majority of people on both side of the pond take this words at their literal meaning and it only adds to their ignorance and hatered for other 'religions'. They should really think about changing these words. And what is this? "These are not equivalent," she said. "The problems arising from Christian or Jewish extremism are not threatening to the world in the same way as Muslim extremism is." Yes we both know the reasons for that, only that our reasons are not the same.

10:09 AM  

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