Tuesday, May 22, 2007

If this is true, I am SO not plugged into the community.....

This article saddened me greatly. It makes me wonder... why are our young people drawn to supporting (at least in principle) terrorism? (I'm not going to say "extremism" because suicide attacks are not consistent with any part of Islam, much less an "extreme" form of it)

One in four younger U.S. Muslims say suicide bombings to defend their religion are acceptable at least in some circumstances

Well.. it says one in four "younger Muslims," rather than "one in four Muslims" so it's not as big as it sounds on the surface, but still.... this is messed up.

But what really got me was this:

Only 40 percent said they believe Arab men carried out the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Who do SIXTY PERCENT of the Muslims they spoke to think carried out the attacks?? SIXTY PERCENT!!?? (please don't say the Jews.)

click here for full article


Blogger Manal said...

Interesting survey/article! It does not surprise me though! There are many many stupid people lurking around this earth! What I might say here might be a bad thing to some but I don't care.

Personally, I feel that if you are a US American Muslim and you say that "Suicide attacks to defend your religion is OK", then I think the US government should keep a closer eye on you. First, the religious beliefs of such people are obviously very skewed and second, if you are skewed in your mentality then you really should not be trusted. Again, this is my opinion and everyone is entitled to one!:)

You see, the way I look at it, is if you are that willing to go against the word of God, then you will definitely be willing to do anything and everything, no matter what the outcome might be! If you think killing innocent people is OK to do in the act of religion, you really have to be a complete dumb A** (and that is with a capital A)!LOL

5:29 AM  

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