Female genital mutilation outlawed in Egypt
Egypt on Thursday finally banned all female circumcision, the widely-practised removal of the clitoris which just days ago cost the life of a 12-year-old girl.
It's about time... You know what really bugs me? The stereotype of this sort of thing being an "Islamic" thing. Thankfully, this story dispells that myth:
Officially the practice, which affects both Muslim and Christian women in Egypt and goes back to the time of the pharoahs, was banned in 1997 but doctors were allowed to operate "in exceptional cases".
We'll see if they actually enforce this..
It's about time... You know what really bugs me? The stereotype of this sort of thing being an "Islamic" thing. Thankfully, this story dispells that myth:
Officially the practice, which affects both Muslim and Christian women in Egypt and goes back to the time of the pharoahs, was banned in 1997 but doctors were allowed to operate "in exceptional cases".
We'll see if they actually enforce this..